20 Christian Christmas Books for Kids

20 Best Christian Christmas Books for Kids
With the season fast approaching, I wanted to write about the best Christian Christmas books for kids that I’ve found in my 22 years of parenting. I’ve collected so many over the years! These gems range from sweet and simple to glorious and awe-inspiring.
As an avid book collector, I have a whole shelf dedicated to Christmas books. We try and read one every day during December. I always keep a few board books for the babies and toddlers because they want to feel included, too. And thankfully, there are some Christian board books that I can recommend to you. I will note on the list if the book is a board book or not.
So let’s get to it! I will let you know if a book is out-of-print or not. I’ll try to stick with ones that you can find easily. But sometimes it’s worth tracking down a book that is special. Try Ebay, Thrift Books, or used bookstores to find these oldies-but-goodies.

20 of the Best Christian Christmas Books for Kids
- Jesus, Me, and My Christmas Tree by Crystal Bowman (Board Book) – A sweet board book shaped like a Christmas tree which ties Christmas traditions with Jesus’ birth.
- Let’s Remember Jesus’ Birth on Christmas by Standard Publishing (Board Book) – A board book which emphasizes how Jesus is the most important part of the Christmas season.
- Room for a Little One by Martin Waddell and Jason Cockcroft – This sweet book talks about the animals making room for smaller animals because “there’s always room for a little one here.” Finally, the innkeeper makes room for Mary to have her little one.
- The Berenstain Bears and the Joy of Giving by Jan & Mike Berenstain (part of the Living Lights series) – The Living Lights series is a wonderful way to combine some of my favorite characters, the Berenstain Bears, with Christian values. In this book, Brother and Sister learn about the joy of giving to others.
- The Berenstain Bears Go Christmas Caroling by Mike Berenstain (part of the Living Lights series) – This book shows the Bear family singing Christmas classics such as “Good King Wenceslas”, “O Come All Ye Faithful”, and “Away in a Manger”. This would be a good book to go along with a study of these songs.
- The Friendly Beasts illustrated by Anna Vojtech and narrated by Rebecca St. James (CD included) – One of my favorite Christmas songs in book form! My youngest daughter was the dove in a church Christmas play while my oldest daughter sang the song for the play. So this book holds special memories for me.
- Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend by Julie Stiegemeyer – This book explains who Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, was and how much he loved the Lord. If you don’t do Santa at your house, this book would be perfect because it doesn’t link Nicholas to Santa at all in the part you read to your children.
- Mary’s Baby by Jane Chapman – This book is out-of-print, but the colorful, primitive artwork is beautiful and appeals to younger children.
- God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren – This is a powerful book that tells how Mama shows Little Cub the beautiful sights in nature and how God’s work can be seen. Then she explains how Jesus is the best present of all. All ages can understand and participate in this book.
- Father and Son by Fabian Negrin – Another out-of-print book that is emotionally powerful enough to go look for it used! This book talks about how Joseph’s first night might have been as a new father. It talks about what might have been his joys and fears and wonder at his very special son. Highly recommend.
- The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg – I have this version of the book. There is a newer version with a different cover that says “newly illustrated”. Some reviews of the new version were dismayed at the graphic portrayal of Jesus after He was beaten. But this version that I have is not graphic. There isn’t any blood; just Jesus sitting on the ground. So before you buy the newer version, you might want to do some research on the illustration (if your children are sensitive or young).
- The Christmas Story (A Little Golden Book) by Jane Werner Watson – A beautiful rendition of our Savior’s birth, this classic was written in 1952 and still beloved today.
- Clopper and the Night Travelers by Emily King – This is the sequel to Clopper the Christmas Donkey. Both are excellent books for kids telling about the Christmas story from the donkey’s perspective. Kids love these!
- The Very First Christmas by Paul L. Maier – This beautifully illustrated book tells of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind through Jesus’ birth. It is more for elementary children, not preschool age.
- Santa, Are You for Real? by Harold Myra (President of Christianity Today, Inc) – Would you like a book to explain to your younger children about the the story of the real St. Nicholas? The illustrations and wording in this book is perfect for preschool and kindergarten age.
- This is the Star by Joyce Dunbar and illustrated by Gary Blythe – This exquisite retelling of the Nativity story with oil paintings by Gary Blythe is simply stunning. Note: this book does use the other word for “donkey” starts with the letter “a”. Since this is a repetition rhyming book, the word is repeated on almost every page. It’s out-of-print, but this book is worth the hunt to find it.
- The Christmas Book by Donna Kelly – Written in 1976, this Golden Shape book is just precious. The simple wording, the beautiful illustrations….it’s perfect to illustrate the birth of baby Jesus. It doesn’t go into doctrine or anything like that. The book just gives an account of His birth. It is out-of-print, but it’s a good one to keep an eye out for a good price.
- A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles M. Schulz – This isn’t your typical Christian Christmas book. But I do love that it states simply what Christmas is all about: “For unto you is born this day a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
- All is Bright: Which God Came Down One Silent Night by Clay Anderson – This is a new book will be published Nov 20, 2022. I will be getting this one to add to my collection! The illustrations are lovely. The skin tones of the people in Bethlehem are realistic which really appeals to me. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!
- Humphrey’s First Christmas by Carol Heyer – This book comes in all different forms: board book, paperback, and hardcover! Humphrey is a young camel in the Wise Men’s caravan who gives his blanket to the shivering baby Jesus. The rich, beautiful illustrations will delight adults and kids both.

Did You Have a Favorite Christian Christmas Book for Kids?
Comment below with what you think I should add to this list of Christian Christmas books for kids! I would love to add more to my ever-growing collection of Christmas books.
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